(Johan) In the aftermath of our bum quest on saturday, the crew was really itching to get into the water. None the less me, since I was the one that clucked Rat in to doing the 2 hour drive.. Anyway, last night I checked the sites and was confident there´d be swell. About as confident that I had been on saturday... I sent smses to Rat and Jay, I knew Jay was up for a surf trip, but Rat had to work. Sure enough I got the reply from Jay, he was on!
This morning I went by Rat to pick up my board and wetsuit since I had left it in his car saturday. He looked kind of bummed that he couldn´t come, but he made that up by giving my car an over haul.. (Thanks buddy!)
At about 20 to 10 I was gassed up and on my way to pick up Jay in his pink mansion. He was stoked as hell, and we packed up the boards and headed for the ocean. We first pulled up at NVS, which was surfable, but kinda messy and hip high. The sandbank is really messed up this year, hope it´ll clean up when the next big fall swell comes in

After we surfed we hauled ass back home after a quick stop at MAX for some burgers. Thanks Jay for a great trip, I had a blast! (Since we were to busy surfing theres no surf photos.. We gotta start bringing a photographer..)
Härligt att ni hittar nya spots! Själv hade jag lovat att hjälpa till med betongbowlen som vi håller på att bygga, plus att jag räknade lite med att det skulle vara sönderblåst. Ser ut som vi kan få sydligt swell igen imorgon.
Checka bowlen på:
vi ses
Bowlen ser fantastisk ut! Måste bli en skate session snart! /Johan
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