The Surf does not disappoint

The last surf session of the season has just been had. Ratty and Johan had been keeping a keen eye on the situation of ocean storms. We weren't sure that we'd actually take the chance to get into the water since conditions aren't really ideal for surfing (air temp, water temp and the fact it was due to snow). As it was, Johan took a break from moving into his new apartment, Grant came home from his cabin in the mountains, and I (Jay)... well, I had nothing better to do. So we set it all up last night and this morning began our full day of surf and exploration. Above is a picture of our true Legend Ratty, doing a magazine quality carve. As usual, he was on fire and for an old man in his 50's, (RAT) "thanks for making me 10 years older for free Jay!!"), he put us yung'unz in our place. Earlier today, the waves weren't ideal. They were blown out, and scattered everywhere so we decided to go for a little Lewis and Clark-ing around the general area. What we found was amazing and almost unbelievable. We discovered 3 new surf spots to which their locations will be kept secret until the day we die, so don't even ask. Pictures of these spots will be posted at a later time. -Jay
(RAT). When we got back to our regular spot it had settled down alot but it was still pretty chunky with some of the waves even pretty clean on the face. There were some 6 footers rolling through at times and it wasn't fun being forced to duckdive them, the water is what we call, 'COLD'.
(Rat) it was -1 celcius and snowing small snow flakes like little ice raindrops and pretty hard onshore winds at times hitting Johan and I right in the eyes. It was about 2-3 degs celcius in the water. The temps didn't bother me at all 'cause our wetty's are so good you don't get cold at all but the ice needles hitting our eyeballs wasn't really that pleasant actually!!
(Jay) Better description is like a constant stream of glass shards going into your eyes. I did paddle out and the whole time was hellish. The weather had actually gotten better when I paddled out but it was still blowing horizontal eye bullets.
Bert and Ernie
(Jay) Better description is like a constant stream of glass shards going into your eyes. I did paddle out and the whole time was hellish. The weather had actually gotten better when I paddled out but it was still blowing horizontal eye bullets.
HAHAHA Jay, love the number plate!!
Thanks for chucking another 10 years on my life for free!! See how easy it is to get old..i go from 46 to 56 in one article..haha
well, I was going to say 80 but I thought I'd make it appear that you were younger than you look. -Jay
Hahahahaha, good one Jay! /Johan
Epic!!! Like the new look of the blog too. Keep it up!
hey, i just noticed that if you click on the pic of kojak and i that he's standing on his toes..haha..he's still short..!! hahahaaha
Hahahaha, grant din retard, jag rörde mig bara. Broke back mountain /johan
Hey Grant, now that the pics have been up a while, why don't you click on the pic of you in your boots. Look closely at your license plate frame.. lol -Jay
wow! ser jo bra ut! men tror likevel ikke neste surftrip blir til sverige ;)
PS: ble forresten veldig bra i hoddevika kl 10:10 på søndag
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