(Johan) We had a fuckin' blast yesterday. The story goes as follows: We´d been checking the sights all day again, and saw that there was a tiny, tiny chance that we might get some midnight swell.
Jay got off work at 20:00, so IF we were going to go, (and we really wanted to get Jay in the water for the first time in Sweden), we couldn´t do it before he got off work!!! Jay has been missing out! (What, first with the baby being on the way and then BORN and the rest of all the family obligations that are then included) and hasn't had a surf in Sweden EVER before....... AND had not surfed since July last year when he was home in the States.
But as you might know by now, we always strike gold! The surf was small, but definitely rideable, and we had a super session with clean ankle slappers at first with light offshores and a colour spackelled sky.. and then gradually building sideshore slop in the midnight sun.
We surfed from 23:40 till 2:30 in the morning and as you can see from the pics it was a spectacular `sunset and sunrise´. It never gets dark ..cool huh...The water is getting much warmer now, and there's gonna be a lot of nice summer surf sessions soon.
It's been hell having to work today with such little sleep, but compared to Jay who started work at 06:00 this morning and works til 19:00, I guess I´m quite lucky..(he got 45 mins sleep
today hahaha...Ratman got 3hrs and I got about the same as Rat !!!) (Jay: "I wouldn't consider 3 hours beauty sleep. You guys probably had it rougher than I did. I was in a euphoric state of fatigue which was actually a nice high") Lack of sleep or not, everytime there's surf it's always worth it...As we say over here in the land of the never setting summer sun...`BEGGERS CAN'T BE CHOOSERS´! Peace to you all..Life is good!!
The Midnight runners...
great update on the story ratmanov. What can I say, another classic trip! Thanks Rat&Jay. We rule! /Johan
Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Maybe next time we can eat cabbage and brocolli and roll the windows up in the car and turn the heater on full blast. Then we can release our anal vapors and see how long we can stand it. It's a garanteed way to drive without falling asleep.. however, vision could be limited due to the residue that collects on the windshield from all the gas...
We rule? Someone is full of himself... hehe
hehehe, more full of stoke than anything!
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