7.5 degs in the water, i guess about 10 degs out and nooooooo wind..the swell rolles in..and...
Frexi got there first and it was pumpin' .woooooohoooooooooooeeeee
frexi taking off on a really nice one

frexi just about to get a nice backhand cover-up
bailin' out in front of another juicy one. See his head?
the crew Woodsy, Kojak and the Gnarly 'Cutterman' before the surf minus frexi (unfortunately not in this pic, nor i for that matter)
An aftersurf midnightsun (cloud haha) photo.

p.s this photo is NOT photoshopped for colour or anything..just clipped to hide identity markings..!! We got out just before this photo because it got smaller,,but still glassy as and super nice!
The 'Runners' score again, but frexi scored it best and all to himself for 3 hours before we got there....wish we'd gotten there earlier!!!

Peace readers, DA RAT
1 comment:
Pretty good in nvs yesterday also.
Head high+, sun and no wind.
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