Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Last week we finally got the first taste of autumn when we got a nice (but not super big) surf..
It was solid enough and there were a few really long rides to be had..We checked out one spot first before deciding to hit another place and we were rewarded with solid lefts prealing off..nice..Kojak,me Heath and Woodsy made the journey and it was worth it..no pics cause it was pissing down rain but memories are good i guess..hope to get some pics up for you's soon..peace..DA RAT

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Finally it's starting again..sorry about the lack of posts this summer but the surf has been crap and I have been renovating at home..and since no-one else hardly ever writes anything on here it's been as dry as a desert for a while on the blog side!!
Luckily the surf has come alive again and we are lookin forward to a few nice ones...yes..norrland gets good and we hope we get some good stuff tomorrow..wish us luck and i'll try to get a few pics up after..peace and ...yaaaahhhhoooooooooooooo..(da rat)