Ratty turns 48..the crew gets together, Snare-ole and the kapten turn up (all the way from oz) and we get into a few 'shutthafuckups'
Jay holding the evenings warning sign, warning for unstable adults at night on the street. the boys cookin up a feast
gettin on it
i thought jay was han solo but after a few coldies he reveals his true identity as bobba fett!
Rat transforms a transformer as the kapten scrutinizes the action thru his superreflectospyglasses
2 of the younger generation of surfers hittin the nintendo pretty hard
(Johan) Aaaw man, we had a great time at Ratman´s house. Great food and great company is a kick-ass combination!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sheepo/Seppo/Superswede BBQ!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
2 Awesome days
Thursday was truly epic..it's hard to describe what it feels like to be paddling out in sweden watching 4ft perfect barrells steamrolling thru unridden..Frexi got there first again (of course) and scored it bigger than what we got but at one stage we were just 3 aussies sitting out the back watching waves break and shaking our heads in disbelief..it could have been anywhere really good in the world and here we were 3 aussies in the north of sweden getting filthy surf all alone..the crew was there as well, Johan and the others but unfortunately Jay couldn't make it.
I forgot my bloody camera and no-one else had one but i heard via the grapevine that someone caught a few waves on video so we'll see if we can dig it up,,,
On friday the swell went south..i was watching it on the net and saw it comin'..i couldn't go so i rang frexi to tell him to get there..he answers the phone and says he's standing in the carpark at the spot trying to drag his wetty on as fast as he could cause it was puuuuuumping..frexi said it was bigger and even better than the day before at the other spot on a north swell..lucky him..he says he got a few shots when he got out at 11pm after surfing for 4 hrs..he said it had backed off a bit but was still pumping so i hope to get a few pics up from yesterday..
Isn't it horrible when you know the surfs pumping and you just cant' get there..it worse than turning up and finding it flat, at least you tried....pray for a few more summer midnight sessions before the light fades and the temps drop again lads..peace from DA RAT
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
(Johan) Tomorrow it´s going off again, suuuuuper stoked to be able to go! It´ll be me, Björn, Heath, Woodsy and Pontus. Ratman´s gonna hook up from his summer home. WoooooooohOOOOOO!